Customer facing blend of strategic insight and creative flair. Clear record of compelling impact in online visibility and engagement in B2C and B2B initiatives. A Delaware native cutting teeth in telecommunication sales, winning countless awards and sales contests.
Developed and managed a bifurcated B2B & B2C dealer network, improving revenue from $100,000 to $1,000,000 in one year as VP of Marketing for Delaware’s largest ISP, (The Magnetic Page) based out of Yorklyn Delaware.
Continued success at DelaNet as VP of Marketing managing a staff of 25. Responsible for all print and radio advertising from ad buys to ad copy resulting in growing a customer
Launched small agency SpyProductions earning $14,000 in the first two weeks of start-up and building the WJBR FM radio website twice over to enjoy near $100,000 in advertising on their airwaves.
Grew business to over 5,000 customers averaging $250,000 gross revenue annually over seven years. Ended a short semi-retirement due to visual SEO success growing a YouTube audience producing 3/4 million monthly views. This led to partnering with Joe Hummel a fellow SEO expert to manage DM media.
From April 2021 to the current date – working for attorneys as Digital Marketing Manager.
analyst certifications
Data is the new oil. Working with multiple data reporting tools allows for a more accurate top-down view. Lars works with numerous tools. LSI Keywords, Keyword Tool, Mangools, WordStream, Google Tag Manager (GTM), Keyword Finder, Google Trends, Visuwords, SmallSEOTools, Clicky, SERPsim, Statcounter, and Ahrefs, Keyword Basket, to name a few. His resources include Neil Patel, Search Engine Journal, Content Marketing Institute, Digital Point Forum, Unbounce, BlackHat World, and the list can go on. Keeping active in SEO groups on Facebook is another means of staying atop of trends and emerging tech.
a few samples of HIS expertise
microsoft suite
Word, Excel, Outlook, etc...
google suite
Manage Google properties. Collaborate. Organize.
Project management. KANBAN is king.
500+ Videos produced. 50k subs. 1/2 million monthly evergreen views.
Develop and manage websites from builders like Elementor to eCommerce
Newsletter Management & Integrations
Hosting management
GUI Webserver. Install websites to WordPress. Manage DNS to Email and Databases.
He favors other tools, but capable user.
promotional experiences
Lars has operated in the promotional landscape as both manager and talent. He’s written press releases, resulting in local and regional news outlet coverage and in some cases television broadcast features. He’s achieved subject matter expert status by appearing on television stations such as NBC, CBS & Fox). Producers keep him on call as an SME in telecommunications to health and fitness, and some select sports.
In 2014 he leveraged the visual media outlet YouTube after reaching over 1/2 million monthly (evergreen, not viral) views to secure not one, not two, not three but five corporate sponsorships. This was of course an aside and not his primary means of work, yet it resulted in numerous passive revenue streams culminating in publishing his first book in 2018.